Table Mountain
2005 | 2010 | 2015

Saturday, March 12, 2005

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From a tip from our friends, Peter and Sherri from Chico, we decided to take a break from our working on the garden and go to Table Mountain, above Oroville.  We had been told that the wildflowers there were at their peak.

In fact. we met Peter and Sheri just as they were leaving Table Mountain. Later, Sherri sent me the names of many of the flowers.

We weren't disappointed.  You can see more pictures of Table Mountain Wildflowers by clicking HERE.

Click on any image to get a larger picture. Best seen with the browser set for full screen.

There were lots of viewers besides us

"Red Maids"
Calindrinia cilitata

"Douglas's Violets"
Viola douglasii

"Johnny Tuck" or "Butter & Eggs"
Triphysaria eriantha

"Popcorn Flower"
Plagiobothrys sp.

"Sky Lupine"
Lupinus nanus

The yellow "Seep Monkey Flower"
Mimulus guttatus

"White-tipped Clover"
Trifolium variegatum

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