Issue, October 11-12, 2003
Yuba Pass Foray
By Herman Brown, Greenville, CA
Over the weekend of October 11-12, Cecelia, I, and Norm Andresen hosted a mushroom foray at Yuba Pass, which is just above the Bassets Store on Highway 49. We all were pleasantly surprised by the turn-out as well as the large number of different species we found. Some of the mushrooms we spotted were dried left-overs from the earlier part of the season, but many more were fresh enough for the table. After meeting at the Chapman Creek Campground and planning the rest of the day, we all searched around the campground and piled our bounty on the collection table. Next we went to a new area that Norm had found the previous evening close to the top of the pass. We did pretty good there. After lunch, we went to a seepage area at the top of the pass and again did pretty good. We then went back to the campground to look at the finds for the day and prepare for the evening feast. At the collection table, Fred Stevens identified and talked about most of the species while Norm and I tried to point out some of the distinctive characteristics of some of the mushrooms. The finds for that day included many edibles, including some Gypsy Mushrooms (Rozites caparatus), a few Matsutake (Armariella ponderosa), a Golden Chanterelle (Cantharellus formosus), Honey Mushrooms (Armillariella mellea), many Shrimp Russulas (Russula xerampelina, most of these were dry), lots of Hawks Wings (Sarcondon imbricatum), and several of a few different species of Suillus. The Matsutake and the Golden Chanterelle were quite a surprise to those of us that had been to the same area in the past. The feast that evening included Norm's delicious Split Pea Soup with King Boletes from his own stash of dried mushrooms, and Cecelia's equally delicious Cream of Potato Soup with some of our dried Marasmius oreades. Several other spectacular dishes were prepared by volunteers, and the meal included many different types of wine from all over the world plus a bottle of fresh pressed apple juice, courtesy of Bill and Pat, two of our new MSSF members. After the feast, I cooked up some samples of the Sarcondon imbricatum and passed them out among the group. I think everyone felt that there was a good taste there and worth repeating. I had planned to cook up more species for tasting, but it was getting pretty late. On Saturday, after an understandably late start, we searched around the campground again, did pretty good again, and then went up the pass to two of the seepage areas up Weber Lake Road. We seemed to do pretty good there also. So, over the weekend and at every spot we searched, we found lots of different species. In one area alone, we found about 30 lbs of Sarcondon imbricatum. We also saw plenty ripe red gooseberries, blue huckleberries, and red currents. I'd say it was a great weekend! At home on the following Monday, I made two sets of scrambled eggs, one using some Rozites and the other using some Honey Mushrooms. I thought that the taste and texture of both was very enjoyable. Below is the species list, as best we could put together. If any of those that came to the foray can remember any other mushrooms not listed, please let me know so I can update the list. (Updated 11/21/03 by Norm Andresen)