Special Issue
Breitenbush Wild Mushroom Conference 
October 6 - 9, 2005


comment | schedule | pictures | recipes

My Pictures

Phaeolus sweinitzii, Dyer's Polypore
Phaeolus schweinitzii, Dyer's Polypore 
Unidentified orange mushroom
Unidentified orange mushroom with scales
Chroogomphus tomentosus, Wooly Pine Spike
Chroogomphus tomentosus, Wooly Pine Spike
Cortinarius subfoetidus
Cortinarius subfoetidus
Gomphidius subroseus
Gomphidius subroseus
Nice colors!
Nice colors!
More colors! More colors
Lycoperdon sp.
Lycoperdon sp.
Cantharellus subalbidus, White Chanterelle
Cantharellus subalbidus, White Chanterelle
Cantharellus cascadensis, Golden Chanterelle
Cantharellus cascadensis, Golden Chanterelle
Clitocybe dilatata
Clitocybe dilatata
The morning find
The morning find
The stash from Patrice Benson and others
The stash from Patrice Benson and others, found the day before we arrived. including many White and Golden Chanterelles, and a large Sparassis crispa.
Patrice Benson, opening the conference with an Introduction to Mushroom Hunting
Patrice Benson, opening the conference with an Introduction to Mushroom Hunting
Judy Roger, talking about Typical Mushrooms of the Area around Breitenbush
Judy Roger, talking about Typical Mushrooms of the Area around Breitenbush

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