from Bjarne
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Bjarne sent me a batch
of his old pictures to include on the site. Enjoy!
![Nice house](images/bjarne/bjarne1.jpg)
Bill Spargur's house on APS.
From left: Bjarne, Hal Gilpin, John Corbani, Ed Graper, Herman Brown, ?
![Here it comes!](images/bjarne/bjarne6.jpg)
Bjarne at a Sloan beach party
Bjarne, Marian Boggs, John Phelps
![I could jump for joy!](images/bjarne/bjarne2.jpg)
Tom Richardson, Bjarne, Herman
![But this won't fit in my pocket!](images/bjarne/bjarne4.jpg)
Richard with his Bjarne-made pencil. It
even worked!
![The shorter one](images/bjarne/bjarne3.jpg)
Bjarne is the second one from the left.
![Old Friends](images/bjarne/bjarne7.jpg)
Hayden, Idaho, October 1998
Bjarne, Richard, John Corbani
![These should get me back in shape!](images/bjarne/bjarne8.jpg)
Thanksgiving in Idaho, 1998
![Let's fill this sucker with booze!](images/bjarne/bjarne9.jpg)
John Stack is blessing the S.B. Channel
Race Silver Cup of 1929, with blows from an Indian horn.
![I want to thank all my friends...](images/bjarne/bjarne11.jpg)
Mountain Drive Kite Contest, 1969.
Ed Soxman and Bjarne won the FHA award
for the most spectacular crash.